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American Delegation to visit Uzbekistan in 2023!


In February/March 2023, a group of youth basketball players and their coaches will travel to Uzbekistan for a 10-day program in partnership with The Basketball Embassy (TBE), an American based, non-profit organization based in San Antonio, TX.


During their stay in Uzbekistan, selected participants will work closely with local women's basketball clubs to create and develop youth leadership programming through the sport of basketball, while learning about a new culture and social issues specific to the region.

YLS Program covers all program-related expenses, including international flights, lodging, meals, medical insurance and visa fees.


Please click on the application link to learn more about participation requirements for

female youth basketball players ( between the ages 16-18) and adult coaches (ages between 18-…)


On October 14-24, 2022, YLSP in partnership with The Basketball Embassy, an organization based out of San Antonio, will welcome 14 athletes and coaches from Uzbekistan to the U.S. Over the course of their two-week exchange, participants will gain leadership and team-building skills, learn about women’s empowerment, and will develop greater tolerance and respect for diversity. Furthermore, by building connections with American counterparts, participants will foster a greater understanding between the people of the U.S. and Uzbekistan.

14-24 oktyabr 2022, PH International, San Antonio shahrida joylashgan tashkilot Basketbol Elchiligi (The Basketball Embassy) bilan hamkorlikda, 14 nafar sportchilar va murrabiylarni Oʻzbekistondan AQShga qabul qiladi. Ikki haftalik almashinuv davomida ishtirokchilar, yetakchilik va jamoa bilan ishlash qobiliyatlarini qoʻlga kiritadilar, ayol huquqlari va qobiliyatlarini oʻrganadilar, shuningdek oʻzgalaring turmush tarziga tolerantlik va hurmatni rivojlantiradilar. Bundan tashqari, amerikalik hamkasblari bilan oʻzaro aloqa oʻrnatish orqali, ishtirokchilar AQSh va Oʻzbekiston xalqlari orasidagi oʻzaro tushunishni yanada rivojlanoshiga koʻmak beradilar.

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